In-Home Counseling Services

Behavioral Health Rehabilitative Services (BHRS)

BHRS provides help to families that have children with a mental health diagnosis. The purpose of the program is to help the child and the family so they may function in a setting (home, school, community) where they may otherwise experience behavioral or emotional problems.

Brief Services Program (BSP)

Short term service: assessment, skill building, case management. Used to assist referral source in stabilization and in determining level of interventions needed. Also used to facilitate successful transition home from placement.

Family Based Mental Health (FBMH)

Teams of co-therapists provide intensive in-home family therapy, case management and crisis intervention services to families with a child who has a mental illness or emotional problems.

The goal is to prevent hospitalization/placement outside of the home due to a psychiatric disability.

Family Behavioral Health (FBH)

Provides individual and family counseling, crisis intervention, and skill building to OCY involved families with a child with a diagnosable mental health disorder.

Works to strengthen the adaptive capabilities of all family members and prevents the unnecessary placement of children.

Functional Family Therapy (FFT)

Family intervention for at-risk and incorrigible youth.

Clearly identifies specific phases and uses alliance based motivation to help organize family change in a coherent manner.

Family Preservation Services (FPS)

Home-based intervention for families involved with OCY. Provides family counseling, parenting, case management and crisis intervention, strengthens at-risk families and/or children returning from placement.

Multisystemic Therapy (MST)

Intensive family therapy for incorrigible/ juvenile justice involved youth and their families.

Addresses delinquent behavior, parent/child conflict, aggression, drug and alcohol use, peer, communication and behavioral problems.

Multisystemic Therapy For Problem Sexual Behavior (MST-PSB)

Intensive family therapy for youth exhibiting sexually related anti-social and delinquent behaviors and/or youth involved with the juvenile justice system due to problem sexual behaviors.

Specialized Family Based Mental Health (SFBMH)

Teams of co-therapists provide intensive in-home family therapy.

The goal is to help the families and victims gain an understanding of the dynamics of sexual abuse as well as decreasing the impact of sexual abuse.